[UK-CONTEST] 2/70 contest

Ken Eastty ken.g3lvp at btinternet.com
Mon Mar 5 12:36:03 PST 2012

I went on 2 & 70cm for a while on Sunday morning with the intention of 
giving a few points away but it seemed that hardly anyone was interested.
 From here it was hard to tell even on 2m that there was a contest in 
progress.  On 70cm apart from a couple of locals I only heard (& 
worked)  G1EHV/P.

On 2m from the 'wrong' side of the Cotswolds I worked ON5WY & F5SE/P to 
prove that the antenna hadn't fallen down but never heard any of the 
DL's. Calling CQ didn't bring any results, doesn't any one ever tune 
around or beam in any other direction than east? I heard a GM in 97 
Square being worked by someone but he QSY'd & I never heard him again, 
that would have been a good QSO.

I offered some of the stations that I worked on 2m the chance of a QSO 
on 70cm but the only one that took it up was just one mile away, none of 
the others had 70cms.

As a bystander it's hard to understand with today's levels of activity 
on 2 & 70cm & average conditions in early March on why this event runs 
for 24 hours, surely a single 8 hour session  with everyone on at the 
same time would be better than the mixture of 24 & 6hr. sessions.




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