David Cree daveg3tbk at googlemail.com
Mon Mar 5 15:13:49 PST 2012


I fail to see what difference listing the type of Linear used would 
achieve. You would still have to trust people to run them at the correct 
power level.

As for more sections - what about QRP-ers, what about people with small 
gardens - seems to me the logical conclusion of following your thoughts 
is a Contest where all must win and efforts to improve one's Station are 
to be penalised.

I do however feel this is a contest which could benefit from a maximum 
100 watt power limit as that would help reduce the QRM, especially in 
the SSB section, and as you say it is not a DX Contest and we are not 
competing with QRO European Stations. If that were the case I would 
happily switch off my ancient Tokyo HL-2K Linear driven with 20 watts to 
give 400 out.

Dave G3TBK

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