[UK-CONTEST] 2/70 contest
Ray James
gm4cxm at yahoo.co.uk
Tue Mar 6 05:57:40 PST 2012
Before anyone corrects me, use of KST/DXC is allowed in the October contest.
73 Ray GM4CXM.
From: Ray James <gm4cxm at yahoo.co.uk>
To: "uk-contest at contesting.com" <uk-contest at contesting.com>
Sent: Tuesday, 6 March 2012, 13:01
Subject: Re: [UK-CONTEST] 2/70 contest
I was unable to get on until almost 20.00 on Saturday, about the same time folk who chose the a 6 hour entry from the beginning of the contest were wrapping up.
Only stations heard and worked were GM4PPT and G4DEZ on 2m plus G3PIA on 70cm in all of two hours so I left it at that as I was entering the 6 hour UKuG Low Bands contest on 23cm/13cm on Sunday.
I'd prefer the 6 hour UKuG contest to start on the Saturday to catch all the EU microwave activity available as the IARU contest covers more than just 2m/70cm.
As it is I have to twiddle my thumbs for 20 hours before making a start.
23cm map at http://maps.google.com/maps?q=http://microwave.rsgbcc.org/vhf/kml_files/2012/0TpGZglWPVFPjZ8mIuy6M9gjubklhKC
13cm map at http://maps.google.com/maps?q=http://microwave.rsgbcc.org/vhf/kml_files/2012/wmDj9CwaGFJWlxZe5KuguZ4DjTcxPBh
I think Bob's suggestion of "any" 6 or 8 hour period in 24 would help this and the October contest get more bums on seats but it needs activity throughout the UK.
One of the entrants has commented that it would benefit with the inclusion of the popular M5 multiplier.
The current method of scoring enables UK scores to be included in the overall IARU results which are probably of little or no interest to most UK operators.
For that to continue with the inclusion of M5 would just require the logs to be scored twice. I'm sure Pete could advise if that was too daunting a task in relation to the benefit.
I don't share Bob's conclusions
regarding "insular". The UKACs and March/October contests are as
different as chalk and cheese though I did expect more to migrate,
Bob is absolutely correct, the UKACs are successful with numbers growing every month and in particular on 2m/70cm and 23cm. Records being broken all the time!
The need exists to make the March/October events more attractive. Folk can certainly refer to the UKACs for an example of how it can be done.
Historically there never has been any really substantial UK wide interest in the March or October contests for as long as I can remember.
They have always been of primary interest to those nearer the east or south coast for competitive reasons and the Welsh hilltops going further back into history.
I also share John G4ZTR's comments regarding the use of KST and hope this hangover from previous CC chairman's reign disappears in time.
It doesn't belong on VHF and UHF bands and it's ridiculous we're out of step with the rest of Europe.
I'm more inclined to believe that much of the March/October continental activity doesn't look our way very often because of the KST/DXC ban.
They don't know we're there to work 'em and are content to concentrate on continental random contacts within easy range and KST for more challenging ones. But not the UK.
Another repercussion of the ban is the almost total lack of UK stations spotting UK/EU DX on the cluster despite it being permitted.
I would be for any competitor transgression receiving an initial warning and losing all points for any contacts in question and DQ'd in future contest entries if the problem continues.
Short, sharp shock treatment. Once bitten, twice shy. The message will soon get through to everyone.
73 Ray GM4CXM.
From: ROBERT HARRISON <robharrison at g8hgn.freeserve.co.uk>
To: "uk-contest at contesting.com" <uk-contest at contesting.com>
Sent: Tuesday, 6 March 2012, 9:43
Subject: Re: [UK-CONTEST] 2/70 contest
Rather than set times for the 6 hour section, we could have any 6(or 8) hours total operation over 24 hours. That allows people to dip in and out when they can as
circumstances allow. The problem with the current format is if you can't do 24 hours, and enter the 6 hours, you can't operate at any other times, if you do you have to
enter the full contest. There's no incentive to do more than 6 hours if you have limited operating time, over the 2 days. Co-ordinating the 6 hour section is a good idea, but
may not co-incide with every ones available time periods. A difficult one to call.
As this is a European wide contest the 24 hour format is virtually set in stone. It's a bit Catch 22 in that the EU don't beam west as they feel it isn't worthwhile for any
length of time, and we feel it's not worth operating because there won't be many stations active from the UK, and believe, incorrectly we won't get any EU. If we don't do
something pretty quickly the Europeans will be gone forever and we'll end up only working each other, or migrating HF.
Whilst successful, in terms of numbers , the UKAC series activity is not being seen at weekends, and we are becoming insular in our outlook towards Europe on VHF.
On HF you can have separate UK and EU/World contests as numbers and propagation allow you to be selective. That luxury isn't really available on VHF, you have to
work everyone you can.
73 Bob G8HGN
Message Received: Mar 06 2012, 07:56 AM
From: "Richard G4HGI"
To: "uk-contest at contesting.com"
Subject: Re: [UK-CONTEST] 2/70 contest
It would be a shame to see this great contest suffer from further lack of activity in the years ahead ..its the first one of the year really to try and work some dx.
Last year we were favoured with good conditions ( unusual ) but I certainly was anticipating more excitement!
Its just a suggestion to concentrate activity ......
For the stations who would enter the 6 O or 6 S
Maybe the 6 hour stints ( or make them 8 )should be pre set ... 144 Saturday 1400-2000 432 Sunday 0800-1400 or even to spice it up a bit why not split that into 2 x
3hr ..and have 144/432 in each section on both days ??
Probably an adjudicating nightmare ( sorry ! ) but an idea.
This would also help the stations that couldn't instantly switch from 2 to 70 who may have just stuck on one band.
Cheers Richard G4HGI
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