[UK-CONTEST] Data contest - apologies

G4FNL g4fnl at bubloz.demon.co.uk
Tue Mar 6 12:31:33 PST 2012

I was active in the 80m RSGB contest last night. I had done a great deal of
pre-contest checks, over the past week or so,  to try and ensure that I had
everything working and properly operational in readiness. I am still new to
the data modes.  Before the contest, I was more confident with using the
software (N1MM), and also with using the radio and N1MM filtering more
effectively, along with shifting the IF pass-band to ensure that I could use
a narrower (400Hz) CW filter etc. So, I was very disappointed with the end
results. I ended up with just 52 Qs.

I believe that my TX signals were probably OK - but it possibly appears that
I was missing many stations calling me. If you were one, please forgive me
not responding back to you. I obviously lost out, and I apologise for
wasting your time. I am unsure of the cause of my inability to properly
receive on PSK - because it seems that it was working OK for some QSOs but
not for others.  I am suspicious that the problem could possibly be with my
in-built soundcard on the laptop PC.  I intend to try and replace my current
interface / soundcard set-up and borrow another for the next contest. So, if
I haven't been blacklisted on the data contest scene yet - please bear with
me and I'd be grateful if you would try and work me again next time. I would
like to know the size of the problem - and so, if you called me, and I
didn't respond - please tell me.

If anyone has any suggestions (that don't involve buying equipment) to
overcome the problems, I be grateful for the advice. I currently use an
FT1000MP, + ZLP DigiMaster ProPlus interface, an H-P laptop with built-in
soundcard, and generate PSK and RTTY with audio tones (AFSK). As I say, it
all seems to work OK for individual QSOs - but in the contest environment,
it's poor.

73 Graham G4FNL

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