[UK-CONTEST] Amateur Radio Insurance

Ian - G0GRI ian.g0gri at btinternet.com
Fri Mar 9 11:48:37 PST 2012

Hi All
Got letter this morning - I shall write and ask for months rebate then!  Perhaps we should all do it!

From: Dave G3RXP <g3rxp at btinternet.com>
To: uk-contest at contesting.com 
Sent: Friday, 9 March 2012, 17:05
Subject: Re: [UK-CONTEST] Amateur Radio Insurance

I also rang Blufin as soon as I arrived home, and they confirmed everything 
that has been said, with the addition that there will be a new company 
offering the same cover and contacting the RSGB or Blufin at a later date 
will provide the relevant details.

The liability cover for the mast and antenna is my priority.

73 Dave

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Steve GW4BLE" <steve.gw4ble at btconnect.com>
To: "UK Contest" <uk-contest at contesting.com>; "CDXC" <CDXC at yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Friday, March 09, 2012 1:48 PM
Subject: [UK-CONTEST] Amateur Radio Insurance

> Word of warning:  for household type insurance, 'damage by falling radio 
> aerials' will most likely mean damage caused BY the aerial falling and 
> will NOT cover damage TO the aerial itself.
> If the tower / beams /rotator etc.... are not specifically listed items, 
> chances are you will have to pick up the tab yourself and that could be 
> v-e-r-y expensive.
> I wound much prefer a specialist insurer and hope that the RSGB are 
> already making negotiations on our behalf with other companies.
> Steve
> Sent from my iPhone 4S
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