[UK-CONTEST] New HF CW Field Day rules

Ian White GM3SEK gm3sek at ifwtech.co.uk
Wed Mar 21 08:48:01 PDT 2012

Chairman, RSGB Contest Committee wrote:
>Just a postscript -- the initial ideas about antenna rules for the 
>Restricted Section were suggested by GM3SEK and GM3ZBE (SK) -- thanks 
>to both.

The initial ideas, perhaps... but since my name has been mentioned 
(albeit with the kindest of intentions on Ed's part) I have to say that 
"22m and 22m" was a surprise to me too.

I had originally suggested 15m maximum height, partly to equalise CW NFD 
with SSB NFD and the German rules (both of which already allow 15m) and 
partly to open up possibilities for more efficient low-band verticals 
for those who wish to experiment. Along with that was a suggested total 
support allowance of 30m.


73 from Ian GM3SEK

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