Peter Bowyer peter at bowyer.org
Thu Mar 22 01:39:03 PDT 2012

On Mar 22, 2012 6:57 AM, "Dave Sergeant" <dave at davesergeant.com> wrote:
> Nobody has commented on rule 3, site definition:
> "The Site must be contained within either a circle of 1km diameter, or
> within the limits of the property where the station is established,
> whichever is the smaller."
> This prohibits setting up a station in ones back garden and using the
> field behind for antennas (fed with a long feeder whose length has no
> limit specified).

And the use of two adjacent fields which happen to be owned by different
farmers; the use of a tree in the neighbouring field, etc. The 'property'
restriction seems somewhat arbitrary, what does it add to the definition?

Peter G4MJS

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