[UK-CONTEST] IOTA Contest Rules for 2012

Paul O'Kane pokane at ei5di.com
Tue Mar 27 06:30:16 PDT 2012

On 27/03/2012 13:35, Don Field wrote:

> The score for non-island to non-island QSOs is reduced from 3 points to 2
> points.

This is indeed an incentive for everyone to have
more island QSOs, but it is a definite disincentive
for island stations to work "world" (non-island)
entrants.  I expect we will hear more appeals
for "IOTA islands only" from island stations.

I would have expected, and had suggested, that
any decrease in points for non-island QSOs be
accompanied by a corresponding incentive (more
points) for island stations to work world entrants.
I can't help feeling that an opportunity has been
lost, and I'm disappointed that it may be a long
time before the next significant rule change
related to QSO points.

And dare I mention it, but the exchange remains
unnecessarily long for island stations.

Paul EI5DI

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