[UK-CONTEST] Any IQ recordings of ARRL DX SSB?

Andrew AC6WI ac6wi at comcast.net
Wed Mar 28 10:34:29 PDT 2012


Bit of a strange request but I thought I'd throw it out there in case 
someone happens to have it.  One of the W3LPL ops is interested in 
getting an IQ recording from the EU side of at least "the bottom 10khz 
of 20 meters Saturday after 14:00z" during ARRL DX SSB, ie at least 
14.15-14.16MHz so he can see how he might have been able to improve his 

Knowing that some people now make wideband recordings, does anyone have 
such a thing recorded that we could get FTP access to?

Vy 73,

Andrew AC6WI / GI0NWG

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