[UK-CONTEST] IOTA contest scoring - you can move mults once

Andy Cowley andy.cowley at uwe.ac.uk
Fri Mar 30 13:29:44 PDT 2012

The new rules say:

"RUN and MULTIPLIER stations are each limited to 6 "Band or Mode Changes"
in every 60-minute "Clock Hour". A "Band or Mode Change" means two consecutive
contacts on a different band or mode. For example, a change from 20m CW to 15m
SSB then back to 20m SSB means two "Band or Mode changes". A "Clock Hour" means
(for example) 1800 to 1900 or 2200 to 2300."

This means, read literally, that a mult station can work a SINGLE contact on a
different band without causing a "Band or Mode Change", since they will not
have made "two consecutive contacts on a different band or mode". This means
that a new mult can be moved once.

    zz3zz on 10 CW
    xx1xx on 10 CW
    please call us on 28445 SSB
    xx1xx on 10 SSB
    yy1yy on 10 CW

is NOT a "Band or Mode Change" according to the published rules

I'm pretty sure this isn't what the writer of the rules intended but it IS what
they have published. There is no mention of what penalty would be imposed for a
(accidental) violation of this rule in any case. A bit of the new-fangled transparency
would seem to be in order here. I thoroughly support the idea of green-paper rules
for comment before a white-paper final version is published. This would have the huge
advantage of allowing a large audience to pick at the holes in the first draft and achieve
a succinct, clear and accurate final rule set.

Perhaps Don would like to comment?


Andy M1EBV

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