[UK-CONTEST] [Bulk] Re: RSGB Awards/Trophies
Andy Cook, G4PIQ
g4piq at btinternet.com
Sun Nov 4 04:59:47 EST 2012
I have to agree this is a retrograde step. I was really disappointed to see
this presented as a fait-acompli to the community last night. I think the
very fact that the first thread on the new HF reflector was one which should
be common ground across VHF and HF (trophy policy) demonstrates the
short-sightedness of the change.
Sometimes you have to do about what's right for the community, rather than
just what will appease the most vociferous people. I didn't recognize
Roger's straw poll with a 58/42 result as a clear enough mandate for change.
That said - this facility is run by volunteers. I'd like to recognize and
appreciate the work put in by the moderators over the years since I think
Tim, G4VXE set up the group many years ago. I'd also like to recognize the
great support (which I guess includes financial support since I don't know
how this forum is funded) from contesting.com which has hosted the lists for
us over the years.
I'd firmly like to see a single group maintained because I believe it's in
the best interests of UK contesting. However - fragmenting us into further
groups such as the newly proposed ukcontesting group would be an even worse
result. A single group - on Yahoo if that's the forum that people prefer -
would be vastly preferable to the long term health and consistency of UK
Andy, G4PIQ
-----Original Message-----
From: UK-Contest [mailto:uk-contest-bounces at contesting.com] On Behalf Of
David Ferrington, M0XDF
Sent: 04 November 2012 09:09
To: Chris G4FZN
Cc: 'UK-Contests'
Subject: [Bulk] Re: [UK-CONTEST] RSGB Awards/Trophies
DOH! - two is one more that needed, but I suggest people join both and live
with it - retrograde step in my opinion, but that doesn't count for much.
73 de David, M0XDF
On 4 Nov 2012, at 08:02, Chris G4FZN wrote:
> ... A "heads up" for VHF contesters - there is a thread on the new HF
> contest reflector about RSGB Awards/Trophies/Cups. This is relevant to HF
> and VHF.
> Should there not be a third reflector for discussion of matters of equal
> interest to both? Hey - how's about this one?
> --
> Chris
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