[UK-CONTEST] Important message from the UK Contest ReflectorAdministrator

GM4JR gm4jr at btinternet.com
Sun Nov 4 06:18:22 EST 2012

Nope- worked fine for me.

-----Original Message-----
From: UK-Contest [mailto:uk-contest-bounces at contesting.com] On Behalf Of
Roger Thawley
Sent: 04 November 2012 10:12
To: sqwubbsy at gmail.com; 'uk-contest'
Subject: Re: [UK-CONTEST] Important message from the UK Contest

Is anyone else having problems registering a Yahoo account? The registration
page repeatedly rejects my 'Captcha' entry - I've tried in excess of 30
times and am convinced that most entries are correct.
I've also tried the audio version but find this almost completely

Roger, G0BSU

-----Original Message-----
From: UK-Contest [mailto:uk-contest-bounces at contesting.com] On Behalf Of
Mark David
Sent: 03 November 2012 21:09
To: uk-contest
Subject: [UK-CONTEST] Important message from the UK Contest


Message From UK Contest list administration

Important notice to subscribers of UK Contest.

As administrator for the UK Contest reflector the recent debate on UK
Contest reflector has brought to the attention of the reflector subscribers
a discussion that has been held off list for over a year now. The key point
has been whether to offer opportunities for the HF and V/UHF communities to
collaborate on their relevant topics of interest in their own forum.

An additional factor to consider is the current software used for the UK
Contest reflector which is based on rather dated 'Mailman' platform The
current reflector has served the UK contest community well. In recent years,
other social platforms with improved functionality and 'user friendliness'
have come to the fore, most noteworthy being 'Yahoo Groups', as used by many
UK and world-wide amateur radio special interest groups.

With these two points in mind this notice advises all subscribers to UK
Contest of the intent to:

1. Migrate UK Contest to two new groups on Yahoo each focused on HF and VHF

2. By the end of November 2012 to close down the existing UK Contest

The user may choose to subscribe to either or both Yahoo groups.

Migration Plan

1st November 2012 - New Yahoo Groups sites open for subscription. Users will
be responsible for actioning their subscription to the Yahoo Group - there
will be no invitation process. New subscribers to the existing UK Contest
reflector will be rejected and informed of the new groups.

During November 2012 - All postings to UK Contest will be tagged with a
reminder message, frequent reminder messages will be posted to UK Contest.

30th November 2012 - All posts to UK Contest will be rejected, site archive
will remain accessible.

How to join the new groups

Two new groups have been created on Yahoo Groups, one for HF Contesting and
one for V/UHF (incl. 50MHz) Contesting; all UK Contest members are welcome
to join either or both of these new groups to continue discussions.

To join the HF Contest reflector follow this link:


To join the V/UHF Contest reflector follow this link:


For those unfamiliar with Yahoo Groups, it's easy to navigate and offers
extra functionality such as searching, opinion polls, a calendar, photo
gallery and files section that will potentially add to the reflector
experience. You may be required to configure an account with Yahoo.

If you need help registering on the new reflectors, please contact one of
the administrators of these  new groups by emailing:

uk-hf-contesting-owner at yahoogroups.co.uk


uk-vhf-contesting-owner at yahoogroups.co.uk

<uk-vhf-contesting-owner at yahoogroups.co.uk>

John G4IRN, Chris GM3WOJ and Mark G4MEM are jointly administering these new
groups. As a reminder these reflectors are open to all interested partie and
operates independently of the Radio Society of Great Britain.

Thank you for your participation on UK Contest Reflector over the years, we
look forward to seeing you all on the new reflectors.

Mark, G4MEM.
UK Contest Reflector Administrator
3rd November 2012*
UK-Contest mailing list
UK-Contest at contesting.com

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