[UK-CONTEST] UK-Contest Digest, Vol 119, Issue 5

Dave Sergeant dave at davesergeant.com
Sun Nov 4 08:23:28 EST 2012

Oh dear, it does seem some people are having problems...

You could also subscribe via email 
(uk-hf-contesting-subscribe at yahoogroups.co.uk
uk-vhf-contesting-subscribe at yahoogroups.co.uk
and receive everything by email into your inbox.

I am not aware of any 'unfortunate victims of Yahoo's "upgrade"' - I 
also subscribe to the Group Manager's Forum and if folks were having 
problems subscribing, or some magic 'upgrade' it would be all over 
there, it is not...

And I am another who is 100% behind this change, let us stop the 
quibbling and get on with life (or contesting).

73 Dave G3YMC

On 4 Nov 2012 at 13:03, Alwyn Seeds wrote:

> The moderator kindly sent an invitation to join, but that does not help,
> as I have to log on to Yahoo to do so and like the millions of other
> unfortunate victims of Yahoo's "upgrade" I can not. 


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