[UK-CONTEST] Migration to new reflectors

John Warburton G4IRN qrz at dxdx.co.uk
Mon Nov 5 16:14:26 EST 2012

Monday 5th November 2012

Dear UK-contest members

Thank-you for your co-operation during the migration to the new reflectors.

The new reflectors are gaining momentum each day - there are now 163 
members registered on the new HF reflector and 109 members registered on 
the new VHF reflector.

To join either or both of the new reflectors, please follow these links :



We are still establishing the optimum settings for these reflectors - 
for example in response to Peter G3LET's query, the Archives (i.e. all 
postings) are now open for any non-members of the groups to read.

Please note that from midnight today (5th Nov) all requests to join the 
new reflectors will be moderated - this should not delay your joining of 
the new reflectors significantly.

John - G4IRN and the moderator team (GM3WOJ, G4MEM)

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