[UK-CONTEST] Short Contest calls

Cocks, Stephen J stephen.cocks at Honeywell.com
Tue Oct 2 06:27:13 EDT 2012

Under the present rules most clubs will loose their short contest call at the end of next year anyway.

73 Steve G4ZUL

-----Original Message-----
From: UK-Contest [mailto:uk-contest-bounces at contesting.com] On Behalf Of Clive GM3POI
Sent: 02 October 2012 11:17
To: 'UK Contest'
Subject: [UK-CONTEST] Short Contest calls

Hi All,
	It is now 16 years since short calls were first made available. To
date 33 individual and a total of about 180 calls have been issued out of
520 available. 
	Is it not now well overdue  that we now  be allowed to use these
callsigns in ANY Contest. Listening on the bands in any smaller contests
shows the regular use in other Countries of short calls.
	 I am sure that Ofcom would be open to such a request, and it should
be routine for the CC to encourage their use in in Many of  their  Contests.
	I cannot see the point of holding a contest call that you cannot use
in any Contest.
73 Clive GM3POI  

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