[UK-CONTEST] RSGB 21/28MHz contest

Chris G3SJJ g3sjj at btinternet.com
Tue Oct 2 10:18:09 EDT 2012

I generally agree with Dave's comments but do have some reservations about some of the reasons behind the proposal.

Firstly there appears some confusion on how the event is to be managed. I assume and hope it will be part of the RSGB HF Contest portfolio and 
governed by the General Rules. I also presume it will be managed by a member of the Contest Committee, with various tasks allocated to willing helpers 
eg Clive and Chris. Similar to the IOTA contest. Rule changes, penalties disqualifications etc should be administered by RSGB Contests Committee. I 
would be very concerned if an RSGB sponsored contest was managed independantly to the RSGB.

Comments on specific rules :
1.1 to 1.3  Name and date good.
1.4             Objective? Agreed.
2.1             Not sure about 24 hours. The 12 hour format of the existing event is very convenient and encouraging for the lesser experienced 
operators. There are plenty of other 24 hour events and keeping to 12 hours would help maintain a "caring" image.
2.2             Agreed
2.3             I am not sure opening it up to 5 bands would be helpful. Antenna challenged operators would find difficulty working DX (ie long 
distance) multipliers on 80m and again as in 2.1 we would be open to criticism.
2.4-2.9       Agreed, no comments except good to see UK to UK QSOs permitted.
2.10            I don't see the point of leaving out the serial number. It adds to the interest of the contest. Otherwise it becomes a mini CQWW or 
2.11            Agreed. Presumably via RSGB Robot?
2.12            Is this a Rule?  I am sure N1MM will adequately cope and its also free! Suggest delete this.
2.13            Suggest 8 days to give operators away from home enough time. Not sure what the rush is about!
2.14            Just loss of QSO points is adequate. Forget the horse whipping stuff.
2.15            OK but need to ensure these are accurate and good QSOs are not penalised, as was the case last year in SSB FD.

The proposed rules don't mention certificates and trophies, is it envisaged that the current 21/28 MHz trophies are re-allocated to the proposed event 
and awarded at the HF Convention? Would there be plaques for overseas entrants?

Whilst I agree that UK v RoW events are past their useful date now. I have to say I still quite like the 21/28MHZ event!

I would not support the proposed event in its current form.

Chris G3SJJ

On 02/10/2012 11:09, Dave Sergeant wrote:
> OK, having read the rules, my initial comments are as follows.
> What I like:
> I agree that a change to an all band contest is welcome, 21/28 has
> become too far a specialised event for those with big stations. Hence I
> have only dabbled in recent years.
> Good - that QRP is defined as 5W, rather than the 10W RSGB seems to
> insist on.
> Postcodes as part of the exchange.
> Change of time 1200-1200 so includes both Sat and Sun
> What I dislike:
> 2.6 Full frequency in logs should be preferable but NOT a firm
> requirement.
> 2.10 Exchange - UK stations should send serial numbers as well as
> overseas entries - there will be a lot of confusion if this is not
> done. I can never support a contest that drops RS(T) if this happens in
> the future.
> 2.13 Submission deadline - as I have already commented on this
> reflector, 5 days is far too short. It should at least include the
> following weekend, so 10 days is not unreasonable.
> 2.14 Penalties. Good to see penalties for mislogged calls, though
> possibly 2x the points is a bit too severe. Does this also include
> NIL's like WPX does which may not be all your own fault?
> I understand the aims in trying to get full frequency logging,
> millisecond timings and instant submission but these will only deter
> newcomers like those coming from the CCs, and also /P operations. We
> should not just turn these away.
> I am also a bit uneasy about the suggestion that Chris and Clive would
> administer it. My feeling is that it should still be largely the
> contest committee (maybe you will join it?).
> 73 Dave G3YMC
> On 2 Oct 2012 at 8:44, Chris Tran GM3WOJ wrote:
>> Clive GM3POI and I have drawn up a proposal for a new HF contest, to
>> replace the existing 21/28MHz contest, starting in October 2013.
>> This year's 21/28MHz event is this coming weekend 6/7th October.
>> Please visit :
>> www.qsl.net/gm3woj/rsgbdxcontest.htm
>> You can respond on this reflector or off-reflector to  gm3woj
>> ..at...talk21.com

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