[UK-CONTEST] Short Contest Calls.

Don Field don.field at gmail.com
Wed Oct 3 06:32:55 EDT 2012

I'm sorry if you take my comments to be negative Clive. It wasn't intended
to be so. I was simply pointing out the realities. The system can, indeed,
be reviewed at any time and was just a few years ago (when the list was
extended and SCCs were made available to individuals - see below).  I
suspect OFCOM would be receptive to a list of 100 contests or more, but I
believe they are set against vanity calls because it could open the
floodgates. I see no way, without a list, that you can draw a line under
what constitutes a contest and what doesn't (CDXC HF Challenge?). So I
wasn't taking issue with a review, just the wording of your email which
seemed altogether too open-ended.

While I was Ctst Cttee Chairman a few years ago we invited requests for
contests to be added to the list - we added the Russian DX, for example.
But got very few requests. I believe Ed GW3SQX is liaison nowadays, so drop
him a line.

By the way, part of the problem in extending the SCC programme to
individuals was that OFCOM were worried about a sudden influx of requests.
Justin (who was dealing at the time) and I argued that this wouldn't happen
- individuals who wanted one would generally have already invented their
own personal contest club! Turned out we were right, but OFCOM is concerned
about anything that increases their workload (which vanity calls would do)
as they cannot reap any income in return nowadays. Adding to the list of
contests covered by the SCC is another matter - doesn't affect OFCOM
workload at all.


On 3 October 2012 09:06, Clive GM3POI <gm3poi2 at btinternet.com> wrote:

>         Well Don I can't see any problem in the system being reviewed and
> expanded. The world has now moved on and short calls are with us  every
> day.
> It would just be nice to have the option of using one if I wanted for
> example in the SAC or UBA or any of the Russian Contests.
>         Perhaps the idea of vanity calls should be investigated again,
> however from a numbers point of view there does not appear to be any
> shortage of available callsigns and there will also be turn over.
>         It very much appears that just about everything that appears on
> this
> reflector is  immediately viewed in negative terms rather than constructive
> discussion.  Or have I got that wrong.?
> 73 Clive GM3POI
> -----Original Message-----
> From: UK-Contest [mailto:uk-contest-bounces at contesting.com] On Behalf Of
> Don
> Field
> Sent: 02 October 2012 17:05
> To: UK Contest
> Subject: Re: [UK-CONTEST] Short Contest Calls.
> That was then Brian.
> But I am puzzled by Clive's posting. As an ex-law enforcement officer,
> Clive knows that there must be some sort of framework. Asking for the use
> of SCCs for "all contests" is meaningless (and, in any case, this isn't the
> place to ask for it). What are "all contests". Does it include US State QSO
> Parties? Does it include the FOC Marathon or QSO Parties (which are not
> actually billed as contests)? Does it include the GM3POI memorial contest,
> which runs all year on all bands (or could)?
> So, either it becomes a general vanity call (which, in effect, is what has
> happened in Scandinavia and elsewhere) or there has to be some sort of
> definition. Which there already is - in the past the question has been
> asked "What contests should be on the list". As far as I know, modern-day
> OFCOM has never refused any (frankloy, they wouldn't know one from
> another). So if Clive wanted, say, the Stew Perry events, the Oceania
> contest or whatever, I suspect he only has to ask (the appropriate
> person(s)).
> The only other consideration is that, I am led to understand (and SJJ may
> well recall), that there was a concern about allowing SCCs in domestic HF
> events would not go down well with the more casual entrants who didn't
> want, or didn't have, SCCs. Whether that argument still applies, who knows?
> Don G3XTT
> On 2 October 2012 16:56, brian coyne <g4odv at yahoo.co.uk> wrote:
> > It never did make sense to me why the scc's were limited to major
> contests
> >
> > I don't recall how the Regulator was named in those days but I do know
> > that RSGB had to go cap in hand and tugging at the forelock to ask the
> > slightest favour.
> >
> > Maybe RSGB (HFCC) thought that was the most they dare ask for! Chris
> (SJJ)
> > may know the answer to that one.
> >
> > 73  Brian 5B4AIZ.
> >
> >
> > > Hi All,
> > > It is now 16 years since short calls were first made available. To
> > > date 33 individual and a total of about 180 calls have been issued out
> of
> > > 520 available.
> > > Is it not now well overdue  that we now  be allowed to use these
> > > callsigns in ANY Contest. Listening on the bands in any smaller
> contests
> > > shows the regular use in other Countries of short calls.
> > > I am sure that Ofcom would be open to such a request, and it should
> > > be routine for the CC to encourage their use in in Many of  their
> > > Contests.
> > > I cannot see the point of holding a contest call that you cannot use
> > > in any Contest.
> > > 73 Clive GM3POI
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