[UK-CONTEST] CWOps Mini CWT Contests
Paul O'Kane
pokane at ei5di.com
Tue Oct 9 18:04:38 EDT 2012
The next mini-CWT contests, sponsored by the CW
Operators' Club, run as three entirely separate
one-hour events as follows.
Wednesday 10th October 1300 - 1359z
1900 - 1959z
Thursday 11th October 0300 - 0359z
Anyone can take part. You can enter any number of
the sessions - they're all scored individually and
are CW-only on the 6 HF contest bands. Rules at
SD V16.04 is free and unrestricted in this event
- www.ei5di.com. You don't need to be registered
or have an up-to-date key file.
Select the "CWOps Mini-CWT" template.
Everyone works everyone. Exchange your Name and
CWOps membership number. If you're not a member,
send your State/Province or Country (G, GM etc.)
instead. Reports are not needed.
One point per QSO, but a multiplier for each unique
valid callsign worked, regardless of band.
When you type a member's call, SD prefills their
name and number - if it's OK just press Enter to
log the QSO. Otherwise type name and QTH with a
space between them - for example PAUL EI.
If you hear a number, and want to know the call,
simply type the number in SD's callsign field -
nothing else. Press Enter after the number to
pre-fill the QSO ready for logging, otherwise
press Minus to clear the logging line.
Logs are not required. Post your summary score
(Member and Non-Mmember totals by band) from SD's
Score Window at
Paul EI5DI
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