[UK-CONTEST] Proposal for change to rule for UKAC's for 2013

Chris G4FZN ukcontest at mailbox01.freeserve.co.uk
Thu Oct 11 04:05:12 EDT 2012

When something isn't broken, don't try to fix it! 

Create a multiplier out of UK squares and overseas countries? 

It just doesn't seem logical to combine the two. Chalk + Cheese!!

However if the CC deems it necessary to tweak the rules, then hows about
using the sum of UK squares plus the sum of ALL countries worked. 


> "POTENTIAL RULE CHANGE FOR 2013.  The UKAC series of contests has been a
> great success and the M5 multiplier system has played a significant part
> in
> that success in encouraging entrants to hunt down stations in all corners
> of
> the UK. As part of the continuing evolution of the event the contest
> committee is proposing a small change to the multiplier system used in all
> UKACs for 2013.  The new multiplier system (M6) will be the sum of the UK
> squares plus the number of non-UK countries worked.  Comments on this
> proposal are welcome and should be emailed to vhf.query at rsgbcc.org"

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