[UK-CONTEST] CQ WW - Rules have changed

Bob Henderson bob at 5b4agn.net
Fri Oct 19 20:50:32 EDT 2012


I agree with your interpretation concerning log amendments post contest,
which are now strictly forbidden.  However, I don't share your
interpretation of the power rule, which I believe is essentially unchanged
in its effect upon UK operation.

>From the rules:

III.2. You must not exceed the total output power limitation of your chosen
category on any band. Total output power on any band at any time is
measured at the output of the active amplifier(s).

IV.1.*a.* Single Operator High Power (All-Band or Single-Band): Total
output power must not exceed 1500 watts on any band at any time (see

SOAB HP power limitation under CQ rules is 1500W at the output of the
transmitter.  The UK license power limitation is 400W at the antenna.  A UK
entrant with 3dB loss on a long coax to a 10m antenna could legitimately
produce 800W at the output of the transmitter.  In so doing neither the CQ
contest rule nor the license provision would be breached.  However, anyone
claiming a 6dB cable loss ( yeah right ) would under contest rules be
limited to 375W at the antenna.  And would have a warm garden. <g>

73 Bob, 5B4AGN

On 19 October 2012 23:03, Olof Lundberg <olof at rowanhouse.com> wrote:

> If you are planning to participate in CQ WW this year you should have a
> look
> at the rules http://www.cqww.com/rules.htm and also the explanations
> http://www.cqww.com/rules_2012changes.htm .
> It is now against the rules to make essentially any modification to the log
> after the contest. There are changes related to what call you log
> presumably
> in order to support this change. There is of course also the 5-day log
> submission deadline which was announced some time ago.
> Also of significance is that the power rule has now ruled out lossy coax as
> an excuse to run more than 400W in the HP category. There is now a very
> explicit rule stating that power means power out at the TX.
> 73 Olof G0CKV M5E
> (with apologies if this all has been mentioned here already)
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