Chris Parnell chris-g0hfx at hotmail.co.uk
Fri Oct 26 14:28:39 EDT 2012

Hasn`t this topic just about been done to death.
We all don't live on a hill like Bryn used to, and can work the world (well EU) and his dog on VHF even under 
flat conditions.
As the system is--it WORKS for the majority of entrants, who are either prepared to make do with the poor set up they have, the poor location they have, decide to move if possible, or like several (quite a few in fact) of us in terrible home locations who would get sorely depressed by working on most bands on a Tuesday evening about 20 or so Q`s and be lucky to make a Q outside our own square --we go portable to make a reasonable entry for our clubs--not generally for our own vanity.
This cobblers about NE station not beaming E/SE/SW --we it seems to me that stations in the East rarely beam SW the number of times JO00 & JO01 don't reckon in the log is almost every contest. I rarely work GM/EI/DL/PA/ON but I and many others who also have problems in certain directions just get on with working the best we can and enjoy ourselves. I always beam in all directions at some time or other, with one antenna its pot luck if you happen to miss the square/s you need.
Incidentally I`m nearly 70yrs and still go /p on my own, the vast majority of my club members cant be bothered to operate (whether in a contest or what ever) from home or /P just a few dedicated ones (bloody fools perhaps).
I agree with Ray keep M5 as it is--don't fiddle with something that works well for the majority.
Chris G0HFX 

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