[UK-CONTEST] Separate reflectors?

Roger Western g3sxw at btinternet.com
Sun Oct 28 06:55:25 EDT 2012

VHF postings seem to come in bursts, whereas HF is more regular; are 
sometimes heated; are more wordy; emanate from a tiny number of different 
people. Threads usually last only a few days but can be high volume. 
Interesting that these characteristics seem to be quite different to HF 
threads, more flames.
73 de Roger/G3SXW.

-----Original Message----- 
From: David Ferrington, M0XDF
Sent: Sunday, October 28, 2012 9:25 AM
To: uk-contest
Subject: Re: [UK-CONTEST] Separate reflectors?

Are you suggesting something like a Yahoo group? Not sure why you feel this 
current mail list manager is insufficient, but a Yahoo group would allow us 
to post attachments etc and store those in the Files/Photos section.

On the subject of splitting it into two groups, firstly I'd be interested to 
know where you would put 6M and would say probably in with VHF, especially 
since that would be covering UKAC. I don't think I have a preference either 
way on a split, on the -ve side, it would be another group to have to deal 
with, subscribe to and avoid spam from. On the +ve side, it would allow 
distinct discussions and would avoid the 'must give real reports' 
discussions in the HF section.

But there seems to be very little VHF+ discussion here anyway?

73 de David, M0XDF

On 27 Oct 2012, at 19:11, Mark David wrote:

> Over the last few weeks I've been in off list discussions about creating 
> HF
> and VHF groups and retiring the current UK  Contest reflector, this could
> involve moving to a modern, supported mail group system such as those used
> by other special interest groups.

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