Roger Western g3sxw at btinternet.com
Sun Oct 28 15:03:49 EDT 2012

Dear UK-Contest reflector,
Many thanks to the 77 reflectees who told us about their interest in HF and VHF contests. The question is now closed.

“I am:
1 - only interested in HF = 32
2 - more interested in HF than VHF = 15
3 - interested equally in HF and VHF = 19
4 - more interested in VHF than HF = 7
5 - only interested in VHF = 4
6 - I have no opinion = 0”

Only or More HF = 61%
Both = 25%
Only or More VHF = 14%

So, now we can move on to the core question:
Would you prefer:
1 – separate HF + VHF reflectors?
2 – combined HF + VHF reflector?

Please ‘Reply’ but only ‘1’ or ‘2’ plus your call-sign, many thanks,

Disclaimer: this is just an opinion survey, not a ‘vote’!
73 de Roger/G3SXW.

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