Ian White GM3SEK gm3sek at ifwtech.co.uk
Sun Oct 28 18:27:28 EDT 2012

Stewart Bryant wrote:
>On 28/10/2012 21:20, David Ferrington, M0XDF wrote:
>> Well, if you were to use a forum for this, instead of a simple reflector, then you could have a sub-forum for HF and one for VHF and then
>>another for something akin to both and we could search them all as one or individually as we choose.
>> 73 de David, M0XDF
>Please no forum, regular email allows us to archive, file, search etc 
>in ways that we individually prefer rather that what has been
>configured on the forum.

Absolutely - all that's needed is for the VHF-specific postings to be 
prefixed [VHF]. Nothing new needs to be set up, and people who don't 
want to read them can pretend they're not there.

Maybe then we can all Get A Life.


73 from Ian GM3SEK

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