[UK-CONTEST] Amazing echos during CQ WW

Andy Cook, G4PIQ g4piq at btinternet.com
Tue Oct 30 06:13:18 EDT 2012

It is a great effect isn't it. I've always assumed that this was sometimes
backscatter rather than a full round-the-world trip, but I expect that we
see both kinds. I wasn't active at a 'real' station this year, but I've
certainly heard them as loud as on your recording in the past. A great
direction for this was always to the south-west in the morning on 15m.

On Friday night, I dropped into G0KPW to help Steve, G0AEV get the station
setup as M6T for a 10m single-band effort. I was surprised to hear
backscatter echoes as I went back to receive at 1930 local, peaking with the
antenna beaming about 280 degrees. I wouldn't have expected a
round-the-world path at that time of day.


Andy, G4PIQ

-----Original Message-----
From: UK-Contest [mailto:uk-contest-bounces at contesting.com] On Behalf Of
Pete Lindsay
Sent: 29 October 2012 13:13
To: Uk-Contest at Contesting. Com
Subject: [UK-CONTEST] Amazing echos during CQ WW

We were once again blessed with great conditions during CQ WW, full
report from this year's M/S effort at EI7M to follow (headline = over
9,000 QSOs!).
On many occasions on 20, 15 and 10 we were hearing our own signals
when going over to receive, having travelled around the world. It
seemed much stronger and more pronounced than I have heard before,
anyone else notice that?

Here is a sample recording on 10m for those who haven't heard the effect.
You'll hear me from the monitor on the FT1000 during transmit, then me
again (peaking S9+) when I go over to receive.


Pete, G4CLA.
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