[UK-CONTEST] RSGB Convention : Contest Forum...

Dave H davekh at gmail.com
Wed Sep 5 18:38:31 EDT 2012

How about getting in place a quick procedure to start a means to involve
everyone interested in an annual review..

Start a set of conversations on the Litmus test based on the most occuring
items have been brought up  in the last year in here and some other
commonly used  (and identified) discussion groups . (mirror them here for
none members)

The Oct 1st(ish) near to the convention - CC to take a  cross section (5-6
points?) of the discussion states (as-are) and lay them out asking for
discussion/suggestions on solving them or moving forward.

At Convention
Then CC make a statement on the RSGBs position on each point after the
10mins - as to what could/should be done (if anything) - when or how - then
(for each point) open floor for ten mins for people to make short
statements (will need a strong 'chair' here!) of their views on this. (they
will already know what points are going to be made by the above).

Record it - transcribe in some way into Litmus test (and open public
webpages/here) for November's month worth follow up discussion  - then have
a statement from RSGB CC on their reactions to that and any changes (or
not) for coming year - with a similar plan to review the organisation of
contesting in the UK on a yearly basis - (with perhaps those with calling
for most changes to get involved organising ..)

Ok that last bit is a bit random -  but perhaps design some kind of
distributed means or helping/working on organising contests (a call for
creative open designers to imagine ways to do this. I think it could fit in
with the RSGBs statements on the need to improve use of IT/the web..

Some thoughts..
- Find radio amateur friendly open source authors to create a web based
contest portal. (open source it and get global development of it)
     - which users could upload logs (as per now - and transcribe them too)
     - find rules (filtered to summarise rules on chosen contest - inc
appropriate general rules).
     - include a UBN system with appeals built in.  So n days before
results you get a UBN enabled and you can check your log then claim whether
it was you or the other stations error (upload transcriptions as 'evidence'
included) - (could /will be abused) Your log is locked from change till
appeals sorted.
   - give different levels of access RSGB members appropriate and
none-members a level enough to take part and get some value from and show
potential value in being a member
  - build a community around it - bolt on the litmus test access, include
appropriate twitter feeds etc - *as required by user*)
  - suitable lock-down or logging of  chat during contest period for misuse)
  - include an upload for users to upload local recordings if done (-- just
thinking out of my play-box here)
  - and anything else that is useful for contesting.

Another (a bit off thread )
- Find radio amateur friendly open source authors to create a standardised
QSL bureau system (which includes a website to report to users card
situation etc) - in the future we might need this! (not all *have* to use
it - but try to standardise so as retirements happen new volunteers have
standard training. (sorry off thread, but I thought of that as I wrote the
above but felt import to write it down...

Dave H G0CER

On 4 September 2012 18:56, Nigel G3TXF <nigel at g3txf.com> wrote:

> Hello UK Contesters,
> From the draft programme for the RSGB Convention, there is a
> Contest Forum scheduled for Sunday for 12.15-13.00 (i.e just
> before lunch)
> Let's hope there is a large turn-out for this year's Contest
> Forum at the RSGB Convention.
> I expect there may be plenty to discuss.
> 73 - Nigel G3TXF
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73s Dave H
(also G6VSG, KJ4QAO )

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