Ken ken.g3lvp at btinternet.com
Thu Sep 6 15:51:22 EDT 2012

I've not seen the requirements for guying an 80 ft Versatower (wish I 
had the room for one!)
The professionally erected 60ft tower which we had at a local club I 
believe had only two sets of guys.
That tower stayed up through a number of winters without problems 
supporting a TB3
plus beams for 6, 2 & 70cm. No doubt a greater headloading would have 
called for more guys.

My distant memory of the guying arrangements at HF transmitting stations 
is that the lengths
of the steel guys weren't broken up with insulators and any frequency up 
to about 25 MHz might have
been used on the pairs of  (High/Low) Rhombics supported by the masts.




On 06/09/2012 17:00, uk-contest-request at contesting.com wrote:
> The number of insulators you would need is quite high.  Lets take  a 80ft
> >Versatower guyed at 4 levels with 3 guys at the recommended 40ft  radius.
> >  
> >The guy lengths are 78ft, 65ft, 53ft & 44ft.  If as has been  posted you
> >break up at 38ft, that means 2 in the top tier and 1 in each of  the lower
> >tiers.  That adds up to 15.  If you have a problem  with 12M interaction then
> >you need to break up at 14ft and the number  rockets upwards and becomes
> >silly.
> >  
> >The HD 80ft Versatower, when guyed as per mfrs instructions, uses  plastic
> >coated 5mm steel guy cable rated at 350KG . Any insulator up  there needs to
> >have a bending radius large enough not to weaken the guy when it  is looped
> >back to secure it.  Using a small insulator and kinking  the guy is
> >probably a recipe for disaster !
> >  
> >73 Derek G3RAU

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