RONALD PRICE ron.price2 at virgin.net
Mon Sep 10 16:47:13 EDT 2012

I agree totally with Robert's first statement especially the finishing
time of 10.30pm.
I only ever consider going portable during the lighter evenings of
May, June and July and even then I usually pack up at about 9.45 in
order to get home by 10.30.
Portable locations by their nature are usually very remote and I feel
very uneasy being all alone at that time of night with a car full of
expensive radio gear!
I am sure that a starting time of 7.30 and a finish at 9.30 would
encourage much more participation by portable stations.

Best wishes to all.


On 10/09/2012, Robert <m0oro at aim.com> wrote:
> The Tuesday night UKAC contests taking 2.5 hours are too long. Most contacts
> are made in the first hour and then it tails off. Think also of the /P
> stations having to pack up at 10.30 pm. A time reduction should be
> considered.
> Use of clusters and chat rooms should be prohibited for all UKAC contests.
> Using the INTERNET to secure a contact is NOT what radio contest operating
> is about. Not all contestants have an Internet connection available during a
> contest.
> This series of contests is good for individual scoring, but not for clubs,
> how can you have a serious club contest when teams vary in numbers, of
> course a club with say 10 entrants will beat a club with say 2 entrants.
> Where is the fair competition in that ?  Therefore limit the team size to
> specific numbers. Then different leagues for different team sizes.
> Four and two operator teams would be appropriate.
> 73,
> Robert. M0JRB/G8BUN.
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