Eddie G0EHV g0ehv at btinternet.com
Wed Sep 12 18:13:03 EDT 2012

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Ken" <ken.g3lvp at btinternet.com>
To: <uk-contest at contesting.com>
Sent: Wednesday, September 12, 2012 9:59 PM
Subject: Re: [UK-CONTEST] 70 cms UKAC

>I take my hat off to anyone who operates from a hill top until 2230 
>especially in the winter, I prefer my nice warm shack!
> Having tripped over a bramble whilst taking the antenna down after a 
> daytime contest it occurred to me that someone having an accident whilst 
> alone at night might find themselves in need of assistance & there's no 
> guarantee that a mobile phone is always within reach or will work.
> I'd suggest that anyone going solo portable (especially at a remote spot 
> at night) should tell someone what time they will be home and exactly 
> where they will be operating from, NGR etc. ( I did hear of a SOTA 
> activator who'd taken a fall & when calling for assistance was asked for 
> his post code!)
> My QTH is on the 'wrong' (west) side of the Cotswold's & I came on last 
> night's 70cm UKAC mainly to give points away. I made 5 QSO's in the last 
> half hour (I was about to give up at 2200) having worked only 6 in the 
> previous hour &16 in the first hour. It seems that some stations in the 
> east spend most of the time beaming towards the continent & only think to 
> look west in the final minutes.  Perhaps it's not surprising that so few 
> stations in the West Country bother to enter these events.
> 73...
> Ken

Hello Ken,
Good point re. single op portables - like me!
I always take portable telephone with me, Ok for my IO94 site but not good 
at the IO84 one.

The nights are now getting darker (and colder!). Not so bad to take down the 
mast etc in the dark but I don't like setting up in the dark. Maybe time to 
think about the winter break.

Nice to work you on the 70cms UKAC, I think for the first time?

G0EHV- almost always /P.


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