Hi all Read, with interest numbers of CQWW 160M stations worked, very impressive. It prompted me to look back in my log, I achieved top G in 1970 with 7744 pts from 136 qsos and 18 mults, the only stations worked outside Europe were, K1PBW, W1HGT & W2EQS. The setup was G2DAF tx (10 W), AR88D rx with all electronic c/o & listen to own sig on tx, the ant was a 13 ft loaded whip (base at 48 ft) fed through 132 ft endfed wire, very much bent, as only a small plot, guess all the big guns of the day didn't enter that year. No computer, no cq machine, just el bug & paper log, how things have changed. Thanks for the amusement etc. reading all the comments while having my first cuppa of the day. Graham G3VIP -- Email Disclaimer: http://tlfe.org.uk/emaildisclaimer