[VHFcontesting] 222 MHz Amp Needed

Warren J. Walsh warrenw at pentek.com
Thu Aug 23 12:01:04 EDT 2001

Hi Dave and list,
I know there is not enough time to convert or construct a tube amp before 
the September VHF contest, but for future contests I offer the following 
information.  I have scanned in and converted to Adobe PDF format the Ham 
Radio magazine articles on the W2GN - ARCOS amps for 6M, 2M, and 220.  They 
are large files ~ 6MB each.  I will email them to anyone who requests them 
(OFF LIST!), or the can be downloaded from:


Warren Walsh - K2BM
Trustee N2NK - Normanoch VHF Contest Club

At 23:16 8/22/01 -0400, k8cc wrote:
>As noted earlier here on the reflector, we're trying to put a basic 
>limited-multiop setup together here at K8CC for the September 
>contest.  Progress is slow, but we ARE making progress.  Also, thanks to 
>all for the responses to my question about "how high to mount a 50 MHz 
>beam".  Some of the answers were very thoughtful and provided useful 
>insight on how 6M propogation and wave angles work.
>My next dilemma is that I'm looking for some sort of power amplifier for 
>222 MHz.  We have a DEMI transverter, but no amp.  I've not had any luck 
>finding a new Mirage or TE Systems amp, and while converting an AM-6154 
>from Fair Radio to 222 MHz would be an interesting exercise, there's just 
>not enough time before the contest.
>Does anyone have, or know of, a 222 MHz amp for sale?  I suppose a brick 
>would be easier to set up, but a tube amp would be fine as long as its 
>complete and ready to go.
>k8cc at mediaone.net

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