[VHFcontesting] June VHF Results

Henderson, Dan N1ND dhenderson at arrl.org
Wed Dec 19 10:11:05 EST 2001

It has been discovered that the entry category for some of the paper logs
for the 2001 June VHF QSO Party were mis-entered into the database.  Instead
of using A for Single Op Low Power and B for Single Op High Power, the
person doing the data entry inverted those two codes.  This did not affect
electronic logs.

We have corrected the database and will be re-posting the article on-line.
However, due to the current QST production schedule and the upcoming
holidays, the Production Department may not be able to get the revisions
done and the file to the webmaster for posting until after the holiday

We apologize for the data entry error and the delay in re-posting the
corrected results.  If you have any questions, please contact me at
n1nd at arrl.org

Happy Holidays and 73

Dan Henderson, N1ND
ARRL Contest Branch Manager

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