[VHFcontesting] VHF Contest...

James Hayes hazy38 at localnet.com
Mon Sep 10 16:50:28 EDT 2001

Hi all,
Well I guess not bad for meager beginnings...no major band openings and
working only 3 bands from FN34hs. Heard more than I could work and the best
I could muster was W8GP in FM08! (distance 833km on 2 and 6 meters). A lot
of rover stations as well heard and worked.

WHAT FUN... I love contesting in VHF!

The standing here:
2M 55/19,   6M 37/17,   70cm, 24/10. (approx 6750pts.) By the looks of most
score rumors this is not to bad from NNY Section.
Not bad for my first real attempt at contesting (Dabbled a bit in June and
July VHF contests).

Station compliment:
FT-847 running stock power for 3 bands into 15 ele/432, 10 ele/2M, and 3
ele/6M all rooftop mounted between 30' and 45'. Many thanks to all who
helped including KB2ZSP at CRF Antennas Supplies for supplying my antennas
and the many amateurs who helped me with signal reports the week prior to
contest time!

Come June I should have a better setup including 60' tower and arrays for
all up to 432 and blowtorches for 903 and 1296...(crossing fingers my L.L.
and fiancée` doesn't have a cow!) Now where did I put that Xmas wish list???
Would also like any input on transverters for 222, 903 and 1296 if anyone
may have any they would like to part with for my IC-751.

Congrats to all I worked and who worked the contest, and always
remember..."GL in the contest"

73 de Jim, N2YEV

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