[VHFcontesting] Use of digital modes during contest

W4XP w4xp at erols.com
Fri Jan 4 13:15:04 EST 2002

Joe and reflector mates:

This question came up last year.

I took the opportunity to review the General Rules For All ARRL
Contest and General Rules for ARRL Contests on bands above 50 MHz
(VHF) to see if there is anything about digital modes.

In the General Rules digital modes are implied:

"3.9. Contacts made through repeaters, digipeaters, or gateways are
not permitted."

But digital modes are not specifically identified as a "permitted"

In the General Rules for ARRL Contests on bands above 50 MHz (VHF)
makes a reference to FM as a permitted mode, again implied, not

"1.9. Only recognized FM simplex frequencies may be used, such as
144.90 to 145.00; 146.49, .55 and .58, and 147.42, .45, .48, .51, .54
and .57 MHz on the 2-meter band."

CW is specifically stated, in the Rover Section, 2.3, as a permitted

"2.3.4. Rovers sign "rover" on phone and /R on CW after their call

In the June QSO Party Rules the is an implication that there are more
than one acceptable modes:

"7. Miscellaneous:

7.1. Stations may be worked for credit only once per band from any
given grid square, regardless of mode. This does not prohibit working
a station from more than one grid square with the same call sign (such
as a Rover)."

I could find only FM and CW modes referred to in any of the ARRL
Contest Rules.

I would infer from this that any recognized mode; phone (any emission
type), or digital (any emission type, including CW) are acceptable for

In the September ARRL QSO Party K8GP, and other participants, made
several WSJT contacts on the 50 MHz band.

Chuck Watts, W4XP; FM18ew -- 1.8 through 2304 MHz
Delmarva VHF and Microwave Society, K8GP; http://k8gp.net
Grid Pirates Contest Group
Potomac Valley Radio Club; http://www.pvrc.org

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