[VHFcontesting] Re: [Mw] Microwave_Activity_Days

Rick R rick1ds at hotmail.com
Sat Jan 5 16:42:40 EST 2002

This was an important exercise for me--I got everything set up in the rover 
last night, and found there is a problem with the main rotator--it seems to 
be overdrawing current and blowing either the inverter fuses or the rotor 
control box fuses. It's on its way to Norms for a "check-up" and lube, and 
whatever repairs before the fray. It was also an exercise to find another 
supply of 30 amp automotive and 3 amp cartridge fuses at 7AM 
today---answer--wait til 8 when all opens.  Also found a break in the center 
balun of the 432 beam and got it fixed. Managed to work a few folks, but 
most disapperead by 1030. Guess 6 was open and that was the antenna I left 
home. Got one more piece of bad news--the spot I was using in FN20he (a 
parking lot of Techni-Tools) had some kind of trespasser problem and a death 
there...so the owner came up to do some work there today (it's usually 
closed Sat/Sun) and told me that I could stay today, but it was the last 
time...At any rate, worked the following:
AA3RE 9,E  W3IY D, W3KM D, WA3GFZ E,F,G,H.   CU next weekend to test 10G if 
folks available. 73, Rick

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