[VHFcontesting] SWOT Contest

Donald M. Ross dross at sirinet.net
Fri Jan 11 11:02:56 EST 2002

John Petersen, KM5ES, the president of SideWinders on Two (SWOT) announces
that SWOT will recognize with plaques the top 2m scores (Single Operator
High Power, Single Operator Low Power, Rover, and Multioperator) during the
ARRL January 2002 VHF Sweepstakes.  All amateurs are eligible to
participate, with or without SWOT membership.  Members of the SWOT Contest
Committee are not eligible to participate, and their decisions are final.

Currently, the ARRL does not track band specific information unless someone
enters the contest in the single band mode.  Therefore, to participate
simply include the SWOT contesting manager, Don Ross, NL7CO
(NL7CO at ARRL.NET), as a cc: in the electronic submission of your cabrillo
formatted contest logs.  All ARRL contest rules apply with the exception
that rule 6.1 is modified such that only electronic logs are being accepted
this year.

Plaques will be purchased and mailed prior to the end of March 2002 and the
results will be posted on the SWOT homepage (home.swbt.net/wd5djt/) at the
same time.

SWOT is a grouping of amateur radio enthusiasts promoting full usage of the
2m band with an emphasis on the weak signal portions of the band.

Questions may be addressed to either KM5ES or NL7CO.

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