[VHFcontesting] 6 Mtr transvertr Tokyo-hypower hx-650 and acc plug size? pse help

Betty E. Raas earl1 at frontiernet.net
Tue Jul 9 18:42:04 EDT 2002

Hello every one, I am aving one heck of a time trying to hook up my hx-650 to my ic-735....  i purchaced the 8 pin din plug from " the shack " and low and behold it doesent fit ! has any one else here had simmilar problems? Is visually apears that the plug is the right size....mabey the pins are just slightly different....not sure.....mabey some of you know where i can buy the right sized plug....im itching to get on 6, and this is just abt my last stumbling block.
thanx  -steve raas 

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