[VHFcontesting] 2002 CQ WW VHF Contest

Eugene Zimmerman ezimmerm at erols.com
Fri Jul 12 11:58:37 EDT 2002

This is a reminder that the CQ WW VHF Contest will be held NEXT weekend
beginning Saturday July 20 at 1800Z ending Sunday July 21 at 2100Z.  This is
a 6 and 2 meter contest only.  Rules and log submission information are at


Cabrillo does NOT support this contest.  For electronic logging, use the
ARRL VHF contest and change the two meter contacts to two points in the
summary sheet.  If you submit by internet I need your log [CT .all file or
equivalent] and a separate summary sheet [CT .sum file or equivalent].
These can be sent as a single file if you wish.  Do not send the Cabrillo
file WITHOUT a separate summary sheet.  I am unable to extract the summary
information from the Cabrillo log.  But the Cabrillo file will be o.k. for
your log.

This contest has now been moved one week later to avoid the HF IARU contest
and the WRTC, and to put it one week further away from the European Field
Day.  This is an international contest.  All are welcome.

Hope to see you there.  With some E skip.

73  Gene  W3ZZ
Director, CQWW VHF Contest
FM19jd  MD
50 => 10 GHz
Grid Pirates Contest Group K8GP
Member, CQWW Contest Advisory Group

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