[VHFcontesting] 222 - FM VS SSB

Tim Marek timm at cccomm.net
Thu Jul 18 05:27:12 EDT 2002


I'm surprised... What a insensitive statement! 

Yes, SSB/CW are the prefered modes but FM works well 
if it's the only way you can afford to activate a band. 

I also have found some grids can only be worked on 220 FM
as there is no resident SSB/CW activity. 

As a ROVER I have found 220 FM very useful. Running up 
and down the San Juanquin Valley in CA on Hwy 5 between
LA and SF/Sac I have been able to work the larger Mtn Top
stans over 300 miles with 25W to a 5/8 mag mount. Many 
of us rovers have used 220 FM as a liaison freq to arrange
contacts on the other "Weak Signal" bands.

I have been a very active VHF contester since 1991 and have
only just recently been able to afford to build a 220 SSB stn. 
I highly reccomend Down East Microwave's 222 xvtr. 25W
output, very hot front end, & easy to interface as they offer many
possible configurations for it. 

220 FM? Bring it on!

73s all de Tim - K7XC/R - DM09ol... sk


"What We Do In Life... Echoes In Eternity!" - General Maximus

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Bob Johnson" <rjohnson at tmlp.com>
Sent: Wednesday, July 17, 2002 6:49 PM
Subject: Re: 222 Rig FS

> Who wants an FM rig for contesting, a CB'er ???
> If your into Weak Signal contesting, it's CW & SSB !!!
> 73
> Bob, K1VU
> At 03:52 PM 07/16/02 , John Geiger wrote:
> >I have a Midland 13-509 222 FM rig in good condition
> >for sale. This rig puts out 10 watts, and comes with
> >mic, manual, and original box. It is a crystalized
> >radio, with crystals for the national simplex
> >freq-223.5. Also has crystals for the following
> >repeater pairs: 223.34/224.94, 223.38/224.98, and
> >223.02/224.62. Would make a good contest rig to get
> >you on another band. Asking $65 plus shipping.
> >73s John NE0P

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