[VHFcontesting] Newbie VHFer needs advice re mountain-topping in CQ WW VHF test

Jim Smith jimsmith at shaw.ca
Thu Jul 18 22:33:17 EDT 2002

Wow.  Thanks for all the great responses.  

The reason for choosing the 6100 ft QTH 250 miles away vs my home is 
that I am going to be an hour's drive from there on Sat/Sun anyway and 
this is a golden opportunity, not to be repeated for a year, to try out 
what I expect to be a fabulous QTH.  The 706 belongs to a buddy.  He's 
going to want it back soon so my window for 6/2m stuff is short (or is 
that narrow).  Besides, I'm getting ancient so better to do things while 
one can.

Thanks for tips re ignition noise and potential $100 jump start at end 
of test. Have borrowed a deep cycle battery as well as a regular auto 
battery for backup.  Now no time wasted hooking up 706 to car.

Someone was wondering how useful a rotor would be, given that no ac 
nearby.  The AlfaSpid runs off 12V DC.  Serious overkill for this job 
but I have it.

Some suggestions re activating several squares.  I don't have time. It's 
3/4 hr just to climb the mountain and another 3/4 down.  No facility for 
operating while driving.

Some questioned the use of a logging program as it could slow me down. 
 I've run many thousands of Qs through TRLog in the last 2 yrs since I 
got back on the air so am very comfortable with it.  Also, if you heard 
my fist on my 60 yr old bug you would quickly agree that I should use a 
keyboard.  Then there's auto-cq and info on beam headings.  Too bad the 
laptop I'm borrowing doesn't have a sound card - no DVP.

Thanks for all the great info on where and when to listen as well as 
likely locations of sources of Qs.  This info is like gold to me. 
 Should save me huge amounts of time just knowing where I should be.  It 
is very comforting to know that I should be able to make Qs into the 
Vancouver and Seattle areas at least.

Thanks also for the URL's for further info, particularly DXProp Logger 
and associated pages.  I didn't know this existed.  Although the rules 
don't seem to outlaw the use of spots I won't have net access there. 
 Hmmm......  Maybe I could get a satellite net account.  Nahh, not 
enough time.

With all this encouragement I'm going to do my very best to get this 
together.  The beam, etc. is disassembled and off the roof.  I'm going 
to get some of that 4-5" plastic drainage tubing, stuff all the elements 
into it, cap the ends and stick it on the roof rack along with the 10 ft 
mast.  I'm busy assembling the rest of the stuff and terrified that I 
will forget the one critical item.

I'm going to try to hit the mountain earlier than initially planned.  If 
I can be there by 6 am local (1300Z) there will be plenty of light for 
beam assembly.  This should get me on the air by 1400Z.  This won't be 
easy for me as I'm a night owl and to do it I'll have to get up around 4:30.

Thanks again, everybody.  Will have to bring a list of everyone who 
responded in case I hear a partial call!

73 de Jim Smith    VE7FO

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