[VHFcontesting] RE: Antenna question
robert.striegl at exeloncorp.com
robert.striegl at exeloncorp.com
Mon Jul 29 13:12:26 EDT 2002
My suggestion is to put the mini quad on top of the house, and the 2M and
70cm on the pole. There's really not that much difference between 30 and 40
feet for a tribander at HF and conventional wisdom says a quad will have a
somewhat lower angle of radiation. They are both too low for consistent DX
on 15M and 20M. 65 to 70 feet is much better, but since 35 is actually a
wavelength on 10M, it will work OK there, at least for the next couple of
years anyway.
But in terms of wavelength v/s radiation angle, moving from 30 to 40 feet
will improve 2M (goes from 4wl to almost 6wl), and markedly improve 432
(13wl to 17wl). Even better, it gets 432 out of the trees more (2M is not
overly affected by trees but 432 definitely is). The 2M and 432 will not be
affected much by the lower mini quad in the near field, and the quad
shouldn't care much about the pole as long as the turning radius clears it
by a couple feet (besides, there is not much HF DX directly north/south
Where is 6M anyway? 40 feet is 2wl up and a good height for just about
everything except F2 and long haul Es or meteor scatter beyond about 1200
miles (ie. extremely low angle).
Just my 2 cents,
73 de Bob K2DRH EN41vr
-----Original Message-----
From: John Geiger [mailto:johngeig at yahoo.com]
Sent: Sunday, July 28, 2002 10:36 AM
To: Kevin Anderson; Pete Beedlow; Bob Cannon; Chickie Bill Ege; Todd
Forret; Richard Geifman; Peg Haese; Richard Hassell-Bennett; Walt Holling;
Ted Ladowski; Theodore Ladowski; Tom McGuire; Mark Orey; Curtis C. Roseman;
Jim Rounds; Bob Striegl; Jeff Wilkins; John Wulf; ab5gh; ka5vst; kd5oia;
kd5qyd; Steve Brockwell (KC5TTY); Scott Sharp (KD5OMJ); Claude Matchette
(KD5RQ); Michael Minor (NH6CJ); James Kennedy (WH6LR); Mike Wood (WO7GI);
Donald M. Ross; antennas at mailman.qth.net; vhfcontesting at contesting.com
Subject: Antenna question
Looking at getting the telescoping mast that I
purchased at the Oklahoma State convention last
weekend put up. It will have the mini quad on the
top, which will put the antenna at about 40 feet or
so. Here is my question: The best place to mount the
mast housewise will put it near the roof mount that
will have the 2 meter and 70cm antennas on it. The
mini quad will be about 10 feet higher than those
other antennas, so interactions between the antennas
should not be a problem. However, the mast will still
be there. It will probably be 8 to 10 feet away from
the antennas when they are pointed due north or south.
Is this too close to the other antennas, causing
interaction and other nasty effects? Any advice would
be helpful.
73s John NE0P
p.s. see everyone next weekend in the UHF contest
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