[VHFcontesting] UHF Contest Rove K0PG & K9ILT

ADUHAWK at aol.com ADUHAWK at aol.com
Wed Jul 31 00:08:29 EDT 2002

The Rovairs will be at it again, but with a bit less involvement this 
weekend.  As of last night, there is no TX from the 903 XVRTR, so as it 
stands now, we'll be on 222, 432, and 1296.  Please look for us at the four 
corners of EN50/60/51/61 at 4:00PM CDT.  That's 2100. After one hour there, 
we will drive north through EN61 to a high point...sort of...on Mt. Trashmore 
in Glenview, IL. Figure 2345 UTC for a good shot into MI, OH, WI, IA, IN, KY, 
MO, and MN.  We will be asked to leave by 0045 UTC.  Then on to EN52 at 0145. 
 Good power except on 1296.  Good antennas on the roof rack.  Please email 
for skeds, or look our way if it's convenient.  See you Saturday! 73, Tim and 

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