[VHFcontesting] VE9DX FN75 Looking for HSMS Skeds 6/2m

Gerry Hull windev at inetmarket.com
Thu Jun 6 20:40:42 EDT 2002

Hey Gang,

Andy, VE9DX, (Ex VE1ASJ), well-known VHF'er and DX'er,
is back on the air in a small way on VHF.  He's got
lots of slots open for HSMS skeds this weekend if you'd
like to try FN75.  I have 1000-1030z taken, otherwise
things are open.

Andy is running 100w and a single yagi on both bands,
but that "magic" Bay of Fundy QTH really helps!

EMAIL ANDY directly at ve9dx at rac.ca if you want a 


Gerry, W1VE/VE1RM

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