[VHFcontesting] Re: Spark plug noise

Rick Robinson k8dxn at charter.net
Sun Jun 30 13:29:22 EDT 2002

Many thanks to all. I have found lots of info to read about and work
with.The ARRL site has a bunch of info. 
I have a few issues to address. I do use resistor type plugs.The wires
are Ford OEM wires.  And it is not the fuel pump. Ford instaled filters
and that along with a cap across the power leads seems to have that
knocked in the head. Ford did tell me to find the ground lead of the
fuel pumps power wires and ground them to the frame as close as possible
to the pumps. I think today I will remove the coil assembly from the
motor and clean the mounting surfaces and maybe install a grounding
strap from there to the frame.I will probably buy the Magnecore wires as
they sound good, (pardon the pun).I have found that FelPro copper
anti-seize is really good to insure bonding and anti-corrosion
properties.A look at the MSDS sheets shows the same main items in the
Fel-Pro as in copper based Penetrox and NoAlox, only in much higher
percentages of concentration. I use this on my ground system at home and
have been trouble free for many years. A word of caution about this
stuff though. A little goes a VERY long way. Don't get it on your
clothes and have plenty of clean rags to wipe your hands as it is very
messy.  Anyway thanks so much and I will let you know how these things
work out. 
73 Rick  K8DXN

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