[VHFcontesting] FT-736 and contest logging software?
Tree N6TR
tree at kkn.net
Tue Mar 5 14:20:39 EST 2002
> On Tue, Mar 05, 2002 at 04:33:21PM -0500, Dave wrote:
> > Is there contest logging software that supports the Yaesu
> > FT-736R? I've tried CT and NA, neither of which overtly
> > supports the '736. I've tried setting these programs up
> > with the other Yaesu rigs they support, but I've had no
> > luck. Is there something else out there I should consider?
> >From what I've heard from N6TR (author of TR) the Yaesu FT-736R's
> computer interface is basically useless.
> As near as I can tell, almost every single Yaesu radio with a computer
> interface uses a different command set from the others. It's like the
> engineering groups that work on each radio never talk to one another
> to standardize on a common way to do things. The FT-847, for example,
> did not work with TR Log when it first came out, and didn't work until
> Tree was able to find time to add the model specific differences to the
> program.
Furthurmore - the older Yaesu's didn't have a command set that would
really enable support from a logging program. I will check, but I
believe the 736r only allows control from the port and has not way to
respond to commands asking for frequency.
Tree N6TR (who has a 736r and wishes I could do something with its interface)
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