[VHFcontesting] Use of dipoles for 6meter Ragchew & Contesting...

ksjones ksjones at zoominternet.net
Tue Mar 5 19:52:56 EST 2002

I Just recently put up a 6m dipole at about 25' or so.   Almost anything
works good when the band is open and have been able to work HP and P4 among
using a barefoot FT736R and this dipole.

I built mine exactly like any other and it seems ok.

Am planning on replacing it with a yagi of some sort shortly.

Although I have not yet done WSJT (its on my list), I think the dipole would
not provide enough gain/directivity to work well on this mode.

73 -  Scott, N3RA
----- Original Message -----
From: <Jimk8mr at aol.com>
To: <k8jwt at hotmail.com>; <vhfcontesting at contesting.com>
Sent: Tuesday, March 05, 2002 5:50 PM
Subject: Re: [VHFcontesting] Use of dipoles for 6meter Ragchew &

> I've used a six meter dipole in temporary situations, and have been well
> pleased with the performance/(cost+hassle) ratio.
> I build it using a support structure of 1/2" PVC pipe, with a Tee
> in the middle (to be able to break it down for transport), and a short
> downward stub to give some mechanical support for the coax.  I put ring
> terminals on the end of the coax and on the two wires and connect them
> screws.  I just tape or tie wrap the wire to the outside of the PVC.
> This can then be pulled up into a tree with a single rope (string for
> temporary installation).  It may rotate in the wind, but on calm days you
> turn it by grabbing the coax at the ground and twisting.
> I've used this at Field Day and at a vacation condo on Hilton Head Island.
> It's cheap and it works.
> 73  -   Jim   K8MR
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