[VHFcontesting] SeaPac Web page and further info to add...

KA0TP at aol.com KA0TP at aol.com
Mon Nov 25 10:29:02 EST 2002

Looking through the ARRL Contest Calendar I discovered the Hune VHF/UHF 
contes is the weekend of the SEAPAC convention. I didn't see who to contact 
specifically about the web page, so I am writing the three contact emails I 
got from the site, to forward as appropiate.

   This year SeaPac is later in the month and is on the same date as the ARRL 
VHF/UHF Contest weekend. June 14-15 . I think the category of ROVER is a 
natural for those who are drivng in. Or Single operator low power for those 
in the campgrounds.
    I was thinkiing it would be nice to add a bit about the Contest and 
operating it to the web page. This would allow people comng to SeaPac to do 
both and encourage more VHF/UHF contesting in the area.

    The VHF/UHF contest is ALL MODES. That means FM Simplex is good for 
contacts too.
FM Simplex of 146.58 is the one I've been pushing the last two years for 
those with only FM gear to use on 2M. (146.52 is not allowed for the contest 
as it is reserved for National use)
In short, except for 146.52, all freqs and modes above 50 Mhz are open for 
use in the contest. 
   Most Hams do not have allmode gear, but do have FM gear. Many people have 
multi band HT's and don't use them much beyond 2M. This makes a great time 
for people to try simplex contacts with those Quad band HT's that have 1.2 
Ghz (1294.5 Mhz). Also a good time to get on 220 Mhz Simplex with the Kenwood 
FH6 Handhelds (223.5 Mhz). When is the last time someone with a VX-5 or VX-7 
HT got on 52.525 FM simplex? How many hams even know that 446.000 Mhz is the 
National Simplex freq for 70cm?
   While SSB and CW are better modes for serious long distance work, we Hams 
need to encourage participation on the VHF/UHF freqs for contests. Including 
FM contacts. What reason does a new Ham have to by all-mode gear if he 
doesn't get the contest bug?

   Yes, I do feel that VHF activity needs to be encouraged and with this 
concentration of  Hams in Seaside for the convention is a natural. Adding 
some information to the SEAPAC webpage  would help encourage people to look 
into the Contest.

Please let me know what decisions are made on this matter of publicizing the 
ARRL contest on the SEAPAC web page. Thank you.

Tom Popp
Clackamas, Clackamas County, Oregon CN85
KA0TP at aol.com

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