[VHFcontesting] June VHF and UHF contests QST results available

Ev Tupis (W2EV) w2ev at arrl.net
Wed Nov 27 10:22:40 EST 2002

Hi Bob,
I will add N5NJ to my list of public appologies.  In attempting to add a little
gradeschool humor (where the terms "suck" and "lame" are bantied about with
great abandon) to my frustration, I failed to realize that the humor-impaired
mode of text-based e.mail would be the method of communication.

No offense was intended...and in fact I find the website to have a better hand
on the pulse of our community tham most others that "serve" us.

Expecting continued smacks on the wrist until everyone gets my appologies...and
I deserve it.

Truly warm regards,

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