[VHFcontesting] Re: [Yaesu] Best contesting rig

KA0TP at aol.com KA0TP at aol.com
Tue Oct 8 23:23:26 EDT 2002

I've only been into the VHF contesting the last two years.
IC706 and 706MkIIG, TR9000, TS811 (70cm) were some of the rigs I've used and 
they are all beat by a WIDE margin by the Yaesu FT-847.

And after the contest I've been using this borrowed FT-847 for HF and SWL'ing 
and it is one of the nicest radios I've run across yet. I've only played with 
the dials on the TS2000 but it is going to have to work pretty hard to beat 
the FT-847.

Tom Popp
Clackamas, Clackamas County, Oregon CN85
KA0TP at aol.com

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