[Mw] Re: [VHFcontesting] ARRL Membership Services Committee VHF/UHF Award...

AB4RU at aol.com AB4RU at aol.com
Thu Oct 10 10:59:51 EDT 2002

In a message dated 10/10/02 8:48:37 AM Eastern Daylight Time, 
gnspokes at earthlink.net writes:

> To promote VHF operation by hams, I have suggested a GOTA (get on the air)
> VHF station add-on to Field Day. How about a 2 X VHF multiplier for each 
> contact, a 4 X for >900 MHz and a 10 X for 10 GHz and above?  

I think FD groups would encourage their local VHF/UHF guys to operate if the 
ARRL made it worth their time by increasing the score for the contacts. 
Making a multiplier to get on 902 and up for each band should get their 
attention. If you want to get the FM guys over to a good mode for long haul 
contacts, make the multiplier mode SSB or CW only. This might actually get 
the FM'ers to get interested in weak signal work and contesting.  Using FD is 
a great tool to expose new comers to the world above 50 Mhz. This idea has 
potential with some refinement.

Great idea,

Ron, W4WA

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